
Buy and sell used clothes and things in Salinas, second-hand stores in Salinas

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Here you will find a list of shops second-hand city Salinas with addresses and phone numbers

A second hand store opened in Salinas, California.

Phx found a thrift store with used furniture. It is located on Salinas Street, in the San Miguel Avenue area and is located near the recycling center - about 15 thousand square meters (about 2 thousand square meters).

This is a small warehouse with fabric shelving or cardboard storage boxes:

Here you can buy clothes without bags or buy the same product online!

There are several thrift stores in Salinas, California. Among them are Goodwill and Amazon (GOT), which offer goods for home or office at a price below the market!

This is Salinas, a family-owned department store that is close to downtown San Francisco:

  1. they sell clothes made of natural materials for $5
  2. as well as interior items with a discount of up to 50% in the presence of a certificate of completion of a full cycle of product quality control before purchase.

Thrift stores in Salinas, California offer a wide range of goods at low prices. This means that you can usually get good items for a fraction of the cost of buying new ones, or just buy them on sale from one of the store's sellers and save money on buying a new item - for example, clothes for children from 3 years old. up to 7 years with home delivery via the Internet (including online). Thrift stores often employ people from disadvantaged backgrounds; they can help create jobs or boost the local economy!